Hi, we're Trait

...and we're on a mission to re-connect people with the human side of health and fitness.

In an efficiency driven world, “doing sports” has become just another point on our to-do lists. It’s dictated by external pressure. Everything is constantly measured and evaluated. We no longer just feel well, we need numbers to prove that we succeeded in “well-being”. This can sometimes leave a feeling of inadequacy. And we want to change that. Doing the best we can to bring us all one step closer to our vision: Helping people thrive.

A quick word on

Why we're different.

We're not your usual cooperation. Most things you associate with "work" will not apply here at Trait. We do things slightly differently, which means we're operating and collaborating in a way, you've probably never heard - but maybe always dreamed - of.

You won't have a boss or manager. You need to manage yourself in close relation with your surrounding team mates. There are no static roles, no line of reports, no departments, no Senior or Junior titles and (almost) no rules. Just a small, tightly-knit team of highly dedicated, driven and talented people, taking actions doing the best he/she can to help pulling this off the ground and closer towards its mission, one step at a time.

If you want to become part of this, read the further infos on this page and within the job descriptions and hit us up, explaining how you think you would contribute to our cause.

We can't wait to get to know you!

A job that doesn't feel like one.

At Trait, we believe your main benefit will be freedom & responsibility. And we live by these values.

Find real ownership.

At Trait, we don’t delegate tasks (at least not Top-Down). We don’t restrict your budgets. You can basically do whatever you want and/or feel is “right”. Everything comes down to serving our mission, whatever that takes.

Be empowered, not controlled.

We stand true by our values and principles and aim to built a sustainable culture, where everything is based on trust, mutual support and excellent communication. We are hiring with a contract that is a single A4 page long, no clauses, no hidden paragraphs.

Work your hours. 35 avg.

We don’t tell you, when to work or where to work (and most days we won't even tell you what to work on). Why would we? You should be confident and know best, how you can contribute to the team. 35 hours is our common average week.

Be off when you need to.

We don’t limit your holidays. We don't count days (there's definitely better things to do). Instead, we trust and rely on each other, so that we want everyone to take time off in coordination with the team.

Get paid honestly and fair.

At Twaiv, Salaries are not negotiated but discussed and decided openly within the team. We want and will pay you basically whatever you need (and above market standards) when the team believes in you and your value.

Contribute to something meaningful.

We believe work can be more than just exchanging time for money. We try to make it a place where people love to go to and have certain desires fulfilled like being part of something that is bigger than you.

What we're currently listening to